I so very much want to buy this Ponyo bento box for my goddaughter. (Who happens to love Ponyo.) It’s adorable and I think she’ll like it. If I do, I’ll make sure to take some pictures and post them here. It’s even microwave safe when you take off the cover, though thankfully 5 year-olds don’t operate microwaves much anyway.
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Jealous of the Touhou Plushies
I know I’m linking to an ancient (in terms of Internet time) post, but you should check out these touhou plushies this person managed to get, included the Remilia Scarlet plushy picture as but one of the many shown in the post. Linkage: Plushies!
I really ought to stop spending my money on other random stuff and improve my plushy collection sometime.

Kanamemo Pic
A quick Kanamemo pic before I have to run out the door:
Headphone Girls
Did someone say headphones? You can find some more here: http://moe.imouto.org/post/index?tags=headphones
Snow White
Some cute pictures from POP – Wonderland – Shirayuki Hime It’s up to you to put the pages back in the right order though, they don’t appear to be ordered correctly there. Here are a couple of samples, for the rest, click the link above.
Slight break in pattern
Generally I post images that you’d expect on to ssee anime/cute, but for this post, I present ye an adorable photo of a little girl that was posted to usenet.