Just some random cute pictures from Pixiv. Got ourselves some card captor sakura in this post too.
Posts Tagged: Anime
Anita King – Read or Die
Since Crunchyroll now offers Read or Die in their library, I’ve been on a major binge-watch of it. I own the first 3 episodes on DVD but never bought the rest due to relative unavailability. Anita is super-adorable, as such here are a couple of illustrations from Pixiv of her.
Alice from Heaven’s Memo Pad
I’ve been ignoring blogging for quite some time. I say this calls for some selected Alice pictures from pixiv. She’s so adorable, but this is to be expected from a design by Mel Kishida. I really should do a Totori post next time.
<3 Sakurako
Sakurako is probably my favorite character from Yuru Yuri, so why not throw a post together? Given how Akarin gets shafted pretty much all the time, maybe I should do a collection post with her has the subject sometime. A pity post. If you haven’t seen it, you can watch both seasons on Crunchyroll at the time of writing.
Victorica de Broix in a Yukata
Victoria de Broix from Gosick in a Yukata. I remember the episode where she tried to put this on. Almost instantly favorited it on imoouto.org when I saw it.
Full version: http://oreno.imouto.org/post/show/177212
Random Cuteness: Ringo Yukimori
If you like cute shoujo anime, you might want to look into Lilpri. I’ve only had a chance to watch the first episode of this anime, but it’s amazingly adorable from what I’ve seen. A perfect example would have to be Ringo Yukimori‘s, cute impromptu signing scene!
- My name is Yukimori Ringo!
- Ririri-Ringo!