Posts Tagged: cirno

Cirno Pixiv Collage Wallpaper

I’m pretty sure everyone should love Cirno. Spent a few hours trawling through Pixiv to collect illustrations to create these wallpapers. The wallpapers are actually automatically built by a computer program. I’ll add the source links later, if anyone happens to read this before I do so: the pixiv illustration IDs are included in the wallpapers themselves, though you might need to zoom in to read them.

Cirno Pixiv Collage (Widescreen)Above is the widescreen version of the wallpaper.

Cirno Pixiv Collage (4:3)And here we have the 4:3 version.

Touhou Personas

I like how you can find a Firefox persona for pretty much any Touhou character.  Here are some of the cuter (imho) touhou Firefox personas:

Cirno Cirno Cirno!

Was browsing the random imageboards and found these wonderful entities of Cirno awesomeness.  You can find way more at (though some may be a little NSFW depending on how crazy your workplace is.)