I’ve added another SVG coloring sheet to the site. This time the subject is Sana from Fortune Summoners.

I’ve added another SVG coloring sheet to the site. This time the subject is Sana from Fortune Summoners.
This was apparently made in SAI Paint Tool. I especially like the coloration of her hair and dress. The pose is cute too. You can see the full sized version on Pixiv.
また昔みたいに一緒に遊ぼう | ぎやまん@イナバラ [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=22285079
For a much larger full version (2455×3472), view either of the links below. I wish I could read Japanese so I could find more pictures like this without wandering aimlessly around pixiv. Oh well, one day perhaps. You can find more submissions by this artist at http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1423422 and I’ll tell you that I’ve bookmarked that member link.
Pixiv Link: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=21136741
Imouto Link: http://oreno.imouto.org/post/show/177212
If you like cute shoujo anime, you might want to look into Lilpri. I’ve only had a chance to watch the first episode of this anime, but it’s amazingly adorable from what I’ve seen. A perfect example would have to be Ringo Yukimori‘s, cute impromptu signing scene!
Some cute pictures from POP – Wonderland – Shirayuki Hime It’s up to you to put the pages back in the right order though, they don’t appear to be ordered correctly there. 😛 Here are a couple of samples, for the rest, click the link above.
Generally I post images that you’d expect on to ssee anime/cute, but for this post, I present ye an adorable photo of a little girl that was posted to usenet.