Cannisgroup Hosting: Of AWStats Installations and PHP Zombies

I have been hard at ‘work’ over the past 3 hours installing AWStats onto the server and realized a fatal flaw in my logging: All things get logged to a single monolithic log.  Also Hypertext Preprocessor runs amok.

Due to this, running the first updates for stats is AMAZINGLY slow.  I’m going to look into setting up separate access logs for individual virtual hosts.  As of now, the creation of the initial dataset is mind-bogglingly slow.  2 minutes on a 4GHz processor.  It will only get slower unless I do something to make it more scalable.

Also, to those few users who actually use my server, if you’ve been noticing uncharacteristically slow load times, it is likely the result of a number of PHP fastcgi dispatch handlers going crazy.  No scripts (that I know of) have infinite loop bugs, so I’m pretty sure it’s an issue with FastCGI’s configuration.  I’ll keep you posted.