phpBB 3.0.4 doesn’t install when…

In my testing to get phpBB 3.0.4 to install correctly with PHP 5.3.0RC2, I finally found the culprit causing it to abort during the requirements phase of installation!

$install->load()  would create an install_install module and then load that, which eventually got to the get_available_dbms function call which would then call can_load_dll if a particular DBMS extension was not available.  Part of that function is a call to dl() to attempt to load a shared object during runtime.

Only problem is that dl() was not defined and thus it would encounter a fatal error.  It wasn’t available in the php-cgi binary I built!  Additionally, it wouldn’t display this fatal error because the call is made with error suppression.  (I.E: @dl(‘stuff’); )

/*So, I added this to code 
  install/index.php to avoid this problem.*/
   function dl($ext)
      return false;

So to conclude: phpBB 3.0.4 doesn’t install when dl() is not a defined function.  Here is my configuration line for this build of PHP 5.3.0RC2

./configure ‘–enable-fastcgi’ ‘–with-zlib’ ‘–with-bz2’ ‘–with-mysql’ ‘–enable-memory-limit’ ‘–enable-exif’ ‘–with-openssl’ ‘–enable-mbstring’ ‘–with-gd’ ‘–with-mcrypt’ ‘–enable-soap’ ‘–enable-sockets’ ‘–with-pear’ ‘–with-curl’ ‘–enable-force-cgi-redirect’ ‘–prefix=/php5.3.0RC2’ ‘–enable-debug’

Aside from this hiccup, most of the forum seems to be working as expected.  (Though, there hasn’t been much testing of course.)